Istanbul, Turkey, where east meets west, is an absolutely surreal and bustling city. Old and modern cultures traverse together creating an unique and enchanting city. Arriving late at night I was pushing my drooping eyelids to stay open, although I was quickly jolted awake on the journey to the apartment by the crazy taxi driver. This was the perfect welcome to a bizarre and beautiful city!
Aromatic smells were utterly delightful as I weaved myself around the never ending spice markets. Stall keepers all rushed to get you to taste samples of Turkish delight, cheeses, nuts, and dried fruit. Lunch was hardly even needed! Weaving through hordes of tourists (myself included) and locals I couldn't help but feel the atmosphere was vibrantly exciting and alive.
As a self-proclaimed gelato connoisseur, I found the Turkish ice-cream (Dondurma) quite interesting to say the least. It looked like so much fun as the ice-cream men flipped and spun the glob on their wooden poles. I thought I must try this, because boy oh boy do I love a good gimmick. It was hard and sticky with a gum-like texture, and I must say, sorry I am not a fan. Although, the fresh juices they squeeze on practically every corner is amazing, as is the mint lemonade and apple tea! If you ever get the chance, you must try salgam (pickled red carrot juice) as I can guarantee it will be the most disgusting drink you will try! Wow, I feel like I talked a lot about beverages. (The food was great also!)